Orchestra2001@ Swarthmore College

Orchestra2001 along with University of Pennsylvania and Swarthmore College will host an Orchestra concert of “New Music from Asia “ at Irvine Auditorium.  The concert feature works by famous Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese modern composers. Such as composers who wrote sound scores for  the filmmaker Akira Kurosawa (黑泽明) and the movie Crouching Tiger,  Hidden dragon (卧虎藏龙). Below is the time and date of the event.



THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015, 8:00 pm; pre-concert discussion at 7:30 pm

Irvine Auditorium, University of Pennsylvania

3401 Spruce Street, Philadelphia 19104


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015, 8:00 pm; pre-concert discussion at 7:30 pm

Lang Concert Hall, Swarthmore College


Event at Lang Concert Hall, Swarthmore College is Free.

Discount can be applied as a group.


All Black Lives Matter: Die-In, March, & Vigil on the Mainline

There will be a three-part demonstration starting at Pembroke Arch to protest recent jury decisions in Ferguson and New York City. We encourage everyone, whether people of color or allies to people of color, to support the cause in whatever way they see fit.

Race is and has always been a complicated issue for Asians and Asian Americans. (This article highlights many prevailing concerns specific to Asian Americans.) We will continue this conversation at Monday night’s meeting by discussing how Asians and Asian Americans fit in to the complex system of racism in this country, specifically in light of recent events.

Below is a message from Haverford ASA about sign-making, which will take place at Dalton’s study tables at 4:20pm.

“Dear HASA, Hyphen, SAO, and fellow Asians and Asian Americans,

Tomorrow (Monday 12/8) afternoon, Tri-Co students are holding a die-in, march, and vigil to call for the importance of All Black Lives in our communities.

HASA invites all Asian and Asian American students to join us for sign-making beginning at 4:20 in Bryn Mawr Dalton Hall’s lower level study tables (directions below). We will walk to Pem Arch at 4:45, in time to depart with the group at 5pm. Haverford students can take the 4:10 bus.

Even if you cannot come to the sign-making, you can show your support by wearing all black. Finally, please remember that we are expressing solidarity — we are allies entering a space that seeks to highlight Black voices. “Speak Up, Not Over” when expressing Asian American support for the Black community.”

Updates can be found on the HASA and Hyphen Facebook pages.