Swarthmore’s SAO has reached out to BMC ASA about High School Conversations. This event is a great opportunity (esp. for education minors!) to reach out to local high school students through mentorship. SAO members in the past have had positive experiences speaking with local high schoo students about their experiences from many angles (life, college and identity). SAO plans on having another college day this Saturday, Nov. 21st (tentative). If anyone wants to participate, please do not hesitate to contact Arthur Chyan asap (achyan1@swarthmore.edu). Thank you!
I want to introduce you to High School Conversations.
High School Conversations is an attempt to involve Swarthmore students with the broader community – specifically local Asian, Pacific Islander, Asian American, Pacific Islander American (API/A) high school students. Through facilitating interactions between these two populations, we hope to achieve two goals: 1) give college students an opportunity to learn about other perspectives on life and identity from a diverse group of local high school students and give back to the community beyond the college campus and 2) provide local API/A high school students with role models who look like them and also offer them with supportive environments to learn about college and identity.
We thought that our pilot program last year, which included a Saturday to get to know the high school students + offer them information about college options was a great success. This year, we hope to recreate that day, and we recently successfully applied for funding!
At this time, we hope to open up the event to include Tri-Co participants too! It’s a chance for you to interact with the local community and pass on knowledge to an underserved population (many of these students come from single parent households below the poverty line and they don’t have sufficient college counseling). If you are interested in meeting local students, acting as a mentor and/or want to work on a community project, please contact achyan1@swarthmore.edu ASAP.
We are aiming for this college day to take place on Saturday, November 21st, but it’s still tentative. ALSO, there will be events next semester where you can work with these students too! They’re really great people, and I hope you can join us in interacting with them!!