Created 02/01/2014
Updated for the 2013-14 Term
Executive Board
Asian Students’ Association (ASA)
Mission Statement
Our mission is to educate the students of Bryn Mawr College, as well as the surrounding communities about issues and concerns affecting Asians and Asian Americans in today’s society; to empower our students to become future leaders by organizing cultural, political, and social activities and by acting as a support group for Asians and Asian Americans on and off campus; to build alliances with other cultural organizations on campus and at the local, state, and national level and to come together and share experiences and form a supportive community.
Goals for the Semester (2013-14)
Create a unified Asian American community on campus.
Create a safe space within this community.
Stimulate awareness of social justice topics through discussion.
Increase awareness of intersectionality.
Encourage appreciation of differences.
Shape visible image among the larger Bryn Mawr audience through collaboration.
Mutual Responsibilities & Expectations
Communication is key. Update often.
GroupMe, Facebook Message, Bryn Mawr email
Be available for impromptu in-person meeting (emergency).
Everyone has the privilege to edit the Calendar; update it with important event dates in advance.
Consider using the “Add Guests” feature, which will automatically email your individual participants.
Attend and actively participate during all meetings: Executive Board, General Body, AMO Workshops.
In the event of emergency and a member cannot attend, inform all members of this absence at least 3 days in advance.
Make use of Google Docs/Drive (BrynMawrASA’s account), and ensure all Executive Board members can view material.
Take initiative and ensure everyone is fulfilling tasks.
If you have any questions, ask. Do not leave duties incomplete/overdue.
Leave personal problems at the door.
If it gets in the way of duties, see above for impromptu meeting.
Exectutive Board Positions and their Roles
Oversee general management of ASA.
Ensure that all Executive Board members are fulfilling their duties.
Facilitate mid-semester Exec Board feedback meeting
Takes place outside of general exec board meeting.
Mutual feedback (rest of board can give presidents feedback as well)
For structure of meetings, see Mid-Sem Feedback doc
Will re-edit Constitution with approval of Exec Board
Manages administrative tasks (leading Executive Board Meetings & General Meetings).
Answer all emails/messages directed to Bryn Mawr ASA in a timely manner (within 1 business day).
when emailing other groups, cc other president
Forward all opportunities and important messages to listserve.
Exchange thoughts on division of duties and other tasks during closed “co-presidents only” meetings.
Held every week: Wed. 7:30 PM (right after Exec Board meeting)
Create new secondary ASA positions (Social Chair, etc.) and appoint appropriate members with the approval of the Executive Board.
Culture Show Co-Heads
Asian American Heritage Week Committee members (and Head), etc.
Help train future Co-Presidents and Executive Board members.
Responsible for all financial matters, including attending budget meetings and interviews, grievances, and the like.
Creates the semester budget with the approval of Executive Board members. Allocates appropriate amount of money for special events and donations.
Maintains budget, via shared Google Doc.
Sets dates to buy snacks. Sets limits on how much can be bought.
Buys supplies with card; collects all receipts; completes reimbursement paperwork within one month of purchase.
Manages AMO money.
Take 2-3 minutes during Exec Board meeting to give updates.
Provides budget updates to all members in timely fashion
before SGA approval and after SGA approval
Any changes made during semester
Informs members of any changes in SFC By-Laws.
In charge of selecting and appointing assistant treasurer, with approval of Executive Board.
[Beforehand] Reminds Executive Board members to add discussion topics to Google Doc
Google Doc:
Have A Template
Create a new document every week after exec board meeting from template
Date document with date of next meeting
Use all social media (group me, facebook, zmail, etc.) to reach out.
Consolidates and organizes topics via Google Doc, before an Executive Board Meeting.
[During] Records minutes during all Board Meetings.
[After] Re-formats minutes in neat and readable fashion for future reference. Reviews minutes for under discussed/missed topics and adds them to next meeting minutes’ “Old business”.
Acts as Historian: Archives all documents into the new 2013-2014 binder.
This includes documents associated with landmark moments.
If necessary, can appoint Historian as assistant with approval of Executive Board.
Updates listserve (adding new members’ email addresses, etc.)
Manages sign-in sheets (printing before meeting, collecting afterwards).
Publicity Chair
Oversees all advertising materials.
Manages information outlets: Posters/Flyers, Facebook Page, ASA Listserve reminder emails, Activities Listserve emails.
Maintains Facebook Page (“sharing”/approving a link each time an outside party makes a post).
Manages photography during events, with others’ permission (asked at beginning of meeting).
Uploads to Facebook in a timely fashion within 24 hours.
Relays all information and General Meeting reminders in a timely fashion
Due Saturdays: meeting cartoons onto Facebook and instagram
need approval of exec board FIRST.
Via social media (Facebook events, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr).
Creates other social media outlets.
Due Monday mornings: email listserve and activities
Reserves rooms for Executive Board Meetings & General Meetings.
Works with Conferences & Events and VirtualEMS.
Historian for Cartoon flyers due real time into Binder
Social Chair clause:
Organizes parties and creative social events
Contacts listserves and other social media to advertise
Does any and all tasks required of them by Publicity Chair through collaboration
includes weekly check-ups with Publicity chair
Check-ups with Executive Board
Executive Board Meeting Rules
General Meeting Rules
Members are to arrive on the mutually agreed upon date: Sundays 9PM-10PM in Denbigh Backsmoker, 1st floor (room should always be requested in advance).
Reschedule day: Fridays 4:30 PM
Members are to arrive on the dot, NOT Bryn Mawr time.
Members are recommended to bring laptops, print-outs, other devices, etc. that would help meetings run more efficiently.
All meetings will be conducted in an orderly manner.
Topics and minutes will be recorded by the secretary
Missed/underdiscussed topics will be recorded for future discussion
Cancelled meetings during designated time should be rescheduled to designated rescheduling time
Board members should notify others in advance of potential conflicts (3 days in advance)
Outside Communication Rules
Be active on social media
Facebook-check at least once a day
GroupMe-keep in notification center
When feedback is requested, reply within # of hours specified by requesting member.
ASA Culture Show (Fall semester in November)
Appointment of Roles (completed before end of school year)
Application and interview process
Different application for heads of culture show/culture week
Must keep membership after show
Outlining of Duties
Scheduled check-ins with executive board
Must contact guests before beginning of school year
Role of School Rules
Use VirtualEMS to reserve Goodhart Theater before end of school year (for show & rehearsal)
Check building rules/requests of theatre staff
Inform exec board of restrictions
Ensure all performers are aware as well (eg; Goodhart staff hates food in theatre)
Food served in Glass Box
Dissent & Conflict Management
Within Executive Board
When Avoiding Assigned Task:
Three email warnings, then Emergency Meeting
similar process to Impeachment
Warning: Assigned by Presidents, and only by Presidents
If issue between two parties not involving Presidents, the parties MUST consult with Presidents first
Disagreement Over Execution/Ideas:
⅗ majority
Meeting Attendance Issues:
Accountability (for missed meetings):
Two Warnings, Third Time Impeachment
Impeachment: Defense against transgression; discussion must occur, possibility for resolution
If not, must resign
If Unable To Reach/Communicate With Member(s):
Former Board
Stephanie Nixon
Both parties present evidence to neutral board members (uninvolved parties)
Period of Discovery-collection of evidence
Presentation/trial-explanations on both sides
Cross-examination: Neutral board members can ask questions
Neutral board members vote on whether to remove that person from position
Has to be majority vote, not unanimous agreement
Within Club
Confront member alone
Remind other club members of safe space
With Other Clubs
Meet with other club exec board
Stephanie Nixon
By signing, I agree to the rules stated above.